
PS3 2.50 Update

If you haven't seen their is a new PS3 Update!

Adds Bluetooth support options, ps3 auto shutoff, trophy custom icons (set by dev), and more.

Mother 3 Translation!

Wow... Mother 3 translation coming this week! happy

I wish I had a slot-2 card for my NDS card, so I didn't have to play on my laptop. frown

People who are lost far as japan, Mother 3 is the continuation of the American "Earthbound" game by Nintendo. One of the best games ever.


PMS Buddy to help.

lol... you guys get tired of running into your ladies when its shark week and end up finding out too late?

I guess pmsbuddy.com is here to help. ;D Can track like 5 women, then set it to remind you before Aunt Ruby arrives so you can be aware... get that extra stuff done, or be warned before you get a new one ripped.

Could be helpful... lol


Mega Man 9 Release - Console War Update.

Wow... In case someone didn't notice, Megan Man 9 is now out for the big 3.

I originally lost info on it and thought it would only be a Wii release. Then I was excited to see it come for 360 and PS3 on Wednesday.

I am really excited to see it, haven't ended up getting it yet, but its on that list.

Wii had brought us Super Mario RPG too, so its still in the running. I worry though how it will fare this fall... whats exciting coming to it? Better motion control?

Being 'hardcore' these days I am more looking for upcoming such as Gears of War II (so much it validates another $50 a year), Resistance II, and others. Also looking forward to Little Big Planet which is for my hardcore physics and design side! :D

Anyways its good to see Megaman 9 come out, but sadly would rather play it on PS3 so its loosing its grip on the console war. Its still my #2 choice.


Fox Busted - Spreading Whitehouse Propaganda

Wow... Thats all it takes.. I knew FOX had something to do with the Whitehouse propaganda, but now its confirmed.


McCain talks surge at home?

Theirs been rumor of it for awhile... if you ask me, I'll also tell you this is another reason and a BAD REASON to be in Israel and Iraq. Were learning how to dead with street warfare... They have been penetrating peoples houses for thousands of years. With someone who abuses the call for stopping "domestic terrorism" this could be very bad.

Why though? As my father sometimes mentions when I don't like police action, as well as many others "Well if were not doing anything wrong, then we have noting to worry about." I can see that to some point, but who's read the "Anti-Terrorism" Manuals and Guidelines? I've got some if you want to read them, their fit for anyone who they want. Points out Christan Fundamentalists, as well as other groups, going into people who cite the constitution as 'rights their owed', and those who resist law enforcement claiming they have constitutional rights. That means you do what they say. Though enough of me... Sounds like McCain is interested in locking down our neighborhoods with the army as I've been trying to talk to people about.

"Answering a question about his approach to combatting crime, John McCain suggested that military strategies currently employed by US troops in Iraq could be applied to high crime neighborhoods here in the US. McCain called them tactics 'somewhat like we use in the military...You go into neighborhoods, you clamp down, you provide a secure environment for the people that live there, and you make sure that the known criminals are kept under control. And you provide them with a stable environment and then they cooperate with law enforcement.' The way he described it, his approach sounded an awful lot like the surge. As part of his argument, McCain praised the crime-fighting efforts of former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani; Urban League president Marc Morial countered that while New York did experience a drop in crime under Giuliani, there were several major instances of police misconduct. To which McCain promised aggressive prosecution of civil rights violations and a Justice Department free from political cronyism."


(it would be nice if I was over reacting, but better be on watch than sorry when your jumped without warning.)


NDS Mod Chips Suit

If you have a DS an need a Mod chip you may want to get it now. Nintendo is taking 5 NDS mod chip companies to court so they may disappear.


Buy one!


Dennis Kucinich brings impeachment friday.

Wow, this is a suprize to me, but its much needed. Our president needs to be examined. This talk of excusing them from their actions since 9/11 should not be tollerated. How is it even fair? If any of us break laws of war (and now terror) the'll press hard to make us accountabe. I agree when something crazy does come up, and in the president's case I think he needs to be taken to court. His judges can use God's guidance to find how to solve this situation. Its less Bush even, I don't think he's evil to any means, but it has opened up very bad spots in our security, been allowed to let some terrible things pass... I think he abuses them, but someone else could do much worse. So I think its best we keep him accountable so others will know they are too. Sickly theirs alot of talk on how he's getting people to profit from the war, which is deadlier yet. More of a worry than him but it should be retracted where it needs to be too.

Thanks to those who have helped us get this far!


PSN Update 2.40 comes tomorrow.

The awaited PS3 update to 2.40 comes TOMARROW - JULY 2

This is the one where the battle really starts. The XMB will be added ingame allowing for messaging and some areas your custom music (not sure where), its the first shell to crack MS's Xbox 360 system after free PSN then before Home kicks in.

If you have a PS3 tomarrow is a great day! That is if your signed up for PSN, if not you should go do that.

Tesla talks about new line...

As picked up on Engaget there has been finally the announcement that Tesla will be making a 30K fully electric car! I knew he said he was planning to, but finally the official announcement!

I hope Tesla has good response and power to do this... This is something for sure that America needs, a wholesome great innovative car company to get us back in the race. The big three have fallen out quite a bit with the imports from the Asians.

Now we've got innovation back on the front, someone who wants us to go somewhere. I think Tesla is the greatest thing since Tucker. What America was created for... the great innovation of man (thanks to YHWH) to be the running of the new world.


Diablo III indeed announced.

Diablo III was indeed announced.

Here's awsome clip -

Wow, looks amazing. If you've never played Diablo you should go pick up the box set now and play them. They are amazing! Expecially Blizzards CGI.... I am so ready.

Also for more, even better if you wanna see the CGI - Check it out - Diablo3.com


Quake Live (beta too?)

Its interesting ID is coming out with a new Quake. Quake Live.

John Carmack says he expects millions to be playing it when its done.

Could be interesting, I have more confidence in it rather than Romeros Daikatana which was nice, but a total Epic Fail. I am not really sure about the millions. Its Quake, supposed to be totally aimed to perfect skill matches. He talks about it going mainstream and something about WoW, but I don't see anything that will take it mainsteam. WoW isn't really mainstream, it just appeals to others and a ton of people who like adventure and D&D. You can't really do that with Quake I don't think, but ID had the skills to bring something great, so sure its something I'll like for sure.

Theirs a beta, but there's an error in it. I was down to try. Someone should tell me if they get it to work. - www.QuakeLive.com

More Info Here -

oh and also, it will be FREE with in game ADs. Sounds alright to me, they say they don't want them to be distracting at all.
also in other gaming news... Diablo 3 is confirmed once again. (perhaps, thats to be cleared this weekned)


Console War! :D

I added console war stats from http://nexgenwars.com/
people should tell me here if there unreliable. I didn't like the comparison in all the numbers. Going reverse my setup. Made it look like the Wii isn't out numbering them all.

N008s and their mixing numbers to look good!
I'd like to know the actual sales numbers. You guys should find me some number crunchers! :D

Really interested to see who has the most hits.

Be a cool bit of geeky console war goodness.


Cacus Votes still

Kansans... and other caucus, you do have another caucus date!


Thats when you vote for Ron Paul!

Dunno how much Caucus kicks the supers, but worth a voice in my opinion.

Still don't buy ~5% in all these states... Maybe this will give some one direction?

Theres a bunch more! Google them. Maybe if they mad AdSense right it would tell you?


Review of Assassins Creed - PS3/360

Assassins Creed was a game I heard a ton about before it came out then it fell silent once it was released. I was excited to get it, I rented it before Christmas for 360. Then I received it for PS3 from my sister. I put both in for comparison and came out wanting to play only the PS3 version. Sorry GamerScore...

Game: Assassin's Creed
System: 360, PS3
Rating: 8/10
Replay Value: Fair
Collection Recommendation: Buy

What is it?
In Assassins Creed you play mainly as a Assassin in the Middle East - Time Unknown to me. Its a free roam world like that of the Grand Theft Auto style. You can explore how you want, and gather as much information or assist as many a civilians as you like before continuing to your main assassination. Mind there is a small bit of research needed to continue it doesn't hold you back. The game has a 'futuristic twist' Ubisoft was excited about, I wasn't excited about it and kinda find it awkward at times.

Their was a lot of talk about how this game is controlled before it was released. Their is an odd "puppet system" for controlling your Assassin, which both had and has a good amount of complaints. I've picked it up pretty easy, the control works well for what you need it to do. I worried for a minute if I could use it successfully, but I've had no issues. Others I talked to didn't like it though. The input also comes in two forms, aggressive and passive these arn't as hard to manage as I was thinking they may be, they end up working well.

As far as the play, it gets repetitive pretty quick since their is about 4 things to do over and over in each city. This is just as far as what you need to do, spy, pick-pocket, save people and interrogate people. You do them all over and over each city, it does get progressively harder and isn't the exact thing always. Similar enough though, I was hoping in this next-gen gaming they would have at least disguised it! This is the major complaint I hear though. The play otherwise is pretty awesome, although I am impressed by the assassinations and climbing tall heights. I found it to be really fun, not much repetition to spoil it for me. I think its good content, and alot of fun, they should have just put some more mix in there.


Heres where my meat and potato go. I love my graphics! As I mentioned before I tried them both together to see how they looked. They looked stunningly different! My friends whom were over at the time said "different as night and day" the 360 smooths it down alot and the draw distance is shorter (how far you see), with the playstation you easily see dust being stirred up and blowing around. I also noticed on the 360 I got really irritated with the same voice clips playing over and over and over, so much I almost wanted to put the game down!! The playstation it seems that they just have nothing new to say... this is referring to the citizens around town that just comment as you play. Playstation definitely looks much better, I even think it seems to play better. I suggest it if you have the option, otherwise the 360 version is fun, kinda annoying to listen to the banter though.


Nice VC Games this week.

Wow! Nice VC games this week... I'd have to say the BEST (well for NES) so far. Woah! So glad to see Startropics on there, I love that game. If you haven't played it something it wrong with you... Its almost a Zelda clone, not really in my opinion since it has a good storyline to go with it, but its great. :D Never thought of it as a Zelda clone but it is, same walk, same attack (not a sword, but a YoYo) and Heart 1/2s for lives.

Reallly GOOD game... :/ I almost want to buy it. I love it, replay is so good too, but I have the cart. Only game that could top that is Crystalis. Are you listening SNK and Nintendo? :D

StarTropics - NES - 500 Wii Points

The King of Fighters '94 - Neo Geo - 900 Wii Points

StarTropics is totally worth the buy if you like RPGs...
If you think you'd like it or someone else would... should get some Wii points and get it.
Please consider clicking the link below and buy from Amazon, it helps us out! Enjoy it, its a great game.


Game Review - Beautiful Katamari

I've decided it would be a great idea to get my Game Reviews on here! :D I am pretty critical and honest about games, and really see them from a different angle I think. We'll discuss all kinds of aspects of it, and if you want to know more just ask!

Beautiful Katamari
System: Xbox 360
Rating: 8/10
Collection Suggestion: Buy

What is it?

Beautiful Katamari is an odd game from Japan. If you've played the other Katamari games your familiar with this oddity. In Beautiful Katamari your father - The King of the Universe - is an excellent tennis player, being so good he smashes a ball through the sky and creates a black hole that creates havoc and eats many solar bodies across the universe. Your father the magical guy he is insists you (The Prince) and your cousins help fix it, by rolling up junk on Earth to become the new bodies in space.

The majority of game play takes place in shops and across earth rolling into as many items as you can to make a huge ball of random junk. This is nicely varied, I assumed it would get boring quick, but to my supprize they backed it up pretty well. Every level starts in a new location in the same world (of Earth) but with new goals and item types there interested in. It always feels new for doing the same thing, which I find as a plus. Even when completed with goals, you have the opportunity to out do yourself or find items and cousins hidden in the level.

I find it interesting to play, but I am amused pretty easy sometimes. I really enjoy the dynamics of it, if you stick to a light pole or a ruler it actually makes it like a ball that rolls with a light pole jammed into the side! For me the rolling takes quite a bit of effort to make your father happy though! I was lucky alot of times to actually get his goals, which does become easier once you grasp what size you need to be to pick up items and which makes you bigger faster. I could see good strides once I figure this out.

The control of the game is a bit odd... it uses both thumb sticks to drive around, it works but it makes the control kinda odd. I'd occasionally get stuck some places, which were logical places to get stuck, but getting out would get on my nerves (timer doesn't help). Once you learn how it works the control does decent. I personally think the Left Stick being a bit higher than the Right makes it kinda awkward, but it plays nicely. There are areas that you need to balance for control to get across areas like shelves full of books, yet I didn't have a problem keeping where I wanted to be as I expected.

This game in interesting, if you don't like weird Japanese games, odd games or simplicity you most likely won't like it. If you like quirky odd games where you can jump in and play its a good one. When you get to stick civilians, dogs, cats, houses, and other oddities its really amusing. I really got a kick out of watching people flail and kick around crazily when picked up. It really isn't that 'simple' of a game, it gets pretty complicated, but as far as learning. Really only have to figure size of items and roll on them!

I think its a good game for people who like oddity. A good game for people just to pick up and play, you don't really need to know alot to play and have a good amount of amusement to go with it! I'd put it under the buy list. Also feels like a good relief when your mad at the world, roll it and its citizens up, show them the stars! It wouldn't be a deal at its original $60, but now marked down, its worth your buy.

Buy this game!