
NDS Mod Chips Suit

If you have a DS an need a Mod chip you may want to get it now. Nintendo is taking 5 NDS mod chip companies to court so they may disappear.


Buy one!


Dennis Kucinich brings impeachment friday.

Wow, this is a suprize to me, but its much needed. Our president needs to be examined. This talk of excusing them from their actions since 9/11 should not be tollerated. How is it even fair? If any of us break laws of war (and now terror) the'll press hard to make us accountabe. I agree when something crazy does come up, and in the president's case I think he needs to be taken to court. His judges can use God's guidance to find how to solve this situation. Its less Bush even, I don't think he's evil to any means, but it has opened up very bad spots in our security, been allowed to let some terrible things pass... I think he abuses them, but someone else could do much worse. So I think its best we keep him accountable so others will know they are too. Sickly theirs alot of talk on how he's getting people to profit from the war, which is deadlier yet. More of a worry than him but it should be retracted where it needs to be too.

Thanks to those who have helped us get this far!


PSN Update 2.40 comes tomorrow.

The awaited PS3 update to 2.40 comes TOMARROW - JULY 2

This is the one where the battle really starts. The XMB will be added ingame allowing for messaging and some areas your custom music (not sure where), its the first shell to crack MS's Xbox 360 system after free PSN then before Home kicks in.

If you have a PS3 tomarrow is a great day! That is if your signed up for PSN, if not you should go do that.

Tesla talks about new line...

As picked up on Engaget there has been finally the announcement that Tesla will be making a 30K fully electric car! I knew he said he was planning to, but finally the official announcement!

I hope Tesla has good response and power to do this... This is something for sure that America needs, a wholesome great innovative car company to get us back in the race. The big three have fallen out quite a bit with the imports from the Asians.

Now we've got innovation back on the front, someone who wants us to go somewhere. I think Tesla is the greatest thing since Tucker. What America was created for... the great innovation of man (thanks to YHWH) to be the running of the new world.